Aboriginal Peoples and Section 25 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Aboriginal Title and Mining Legislation in the Northwest Territories
Ancestral Lands, Alien Laws: Judicial Perspectives on Aboriginal Title
Contemporary Metis Justice: The Settlement Way
Emerging Justice? Essays on Indigenous Rights in Canada and Australia
First Nations Criminal Jurisdiction in Canada: The Aboriginal right to peacemaking under public international and Canadian constitutional law
Indian Reserves and Aboriginal Lands in Canada: A Homeland
Indian Reserves in Quebec
Indian Reserves in the Atlantic Provinces of Canada
Indians and Taxation in Canada
Reconciling Sovereignties: Aboriginal Nations and Canada
The Aboriginal Rights Provisions in the Constitution Act, 1982
The Indian Act of Canada
The Rights of Indigenous Peoples in International Law: Selected Essays on Self-Determination
The Taking of Indian Lands in Canada: Consent or Coercion