Uashaunnuat c. Compagnie minière IOC inc
A summary of the Uashaunnuat c. Compagnie minière IOC inc decision.
The Superior Court of Québec released a decision on September 19, 2014 in Uashaunnuat c. Compagnie minière IOC inc [Unofficial Translation], dismissing a motion to dismiss brought by the defendants the Compagnie minière IOC inc (the Iron Ore Company) and the Compagnie de chemin de fer du littoral nord du Québec et du Labrador (the Québec North Shore & Labrador Railway Company) in relation to the class action lawsuit of two Innu communities against them. In this litigation, the Innu First Nations of Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam (Uashaunnuat) and Matimekush-Lac John are seeking recognition of their Aboriginal title and numerous Aboriginal and treaty rights in an area affected by the defendants' operation of a large mining complex and railway in Northern Québec and Labrador, a permanent injunction against the defendants' mining and railway activities within this area, and $900 000 000 in compensation for various impacts that these operations have had on their ability to exercise their title and rights since the projects were first commenced. The defendants unsuccessfully sought to have the action dismissed on the basis that the action must fail because the First Nations plaintiffs were not suing the Crown and they must first have their title and rights recognized as against the Crown.